10 May 2011

A problem.

I have a confession.  I go to Hobby Lobby probably 3-4 times a week, average.  The thing is, I don't have an Etsy shop, I don't supplement our income in any way by crafting, I'm not a fabric hoarder, I don't scrapbook, and I don't really like their home decor items.  So, what gives?  Why do I harbor such an obsession?

Sometimes, I find myself pulling in the lot, walking in the store, and realizing I don't have a purpose.  Half the time I don't even buy anything.  If I did, it may be grounds for Jake to divorce me. If only he had such an easy out.  *wink, wink*

In my defense, it is right across the street from a plaza with Target, Wal-Mart {shudder}, TJ Maxx, Lowe's, and HomeGoods.  And, one of Rosie's and my favorite lunch spots {'Chipolte'} is right smack dab at the front of the parking lot of Hobby Lobby.  Sigh.

It's a constant internal struggle.

Am I the only one?  I think I need to know I'm not alone.  That someone out there has the same problem.  That might help.  If not, I may resign myself to sucking my thumb in the fetal position in the corner of our room.

Please, don't let that happen...


  1. I'm so jealous of all of you in Bloggyland who rave about Hobby Lobby. We don't have those 'round these parts (SW PA) but I confess I do the same in Joann fabrics......

  2. Oh I am so there with ya. I usually can't even remember why I went into the store in the first place b/c I am immediately distracted upon entering the store by all the knick knacks that hit you in the face.

  3. I completely understand! I can spend HOURS at Hobby Lobby when I don't need a thing! I second your addiction!

  4. Me!! I'm like that! Except I DO hoard yarn, but that's beside the point....So no, you're not alone!

  5. I was just there today! I could waste an entire day between HL and Target...if we had a HomeGoods (which I hear we are getting) nearby, I'd be in the Bermuda Triangle.

  6. I love Hobby Lobby, I even affectionately call it HobLob. Target is my very favorite place, though.


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