I'm officially allotting enough money to buy 3 huge stems of
white hydrangeas every week.
They are gorgeous, and happy, and alive, and wonderful.
These have been going for OVER a week.
This is a crappity crap photo,
but the point is to show you how happy my husband makes me.
I wasn't sold on the totally open cabinet,
and contemplated putting the doors back up with glass.
I wasn't sure how I'd do it, and just decided to let
the open cabinet 'grow' on me.
Then, Jake did this for me yesterday:
took the panels out of the cabinet doors, and added glass.
I love it.
I keep looking at it, and smiling.
The glass with the new corbels at the bottom,
make it look like those cabinets were meant to look like that.
So, even though the sky has been peeing rain for the past week,
I am happy on such a dreary Monday.
Big Jake, you're alright.
You may stay as long as you like.
This guy, big jake must be one heck of a guy!