Finally, I feel like this house is becoming our home. With the girls' room near completion, I can see how each space is becoming 'us'.
I love that.
My one goal in the new house with the kids' rooms was to try and stray from a theme. Ironically, the girls' room has lots of winged creatures, Pete's room has a British/music vibe, and Jake's room is going to be a bit 'world traveler'. Funny how that works.
Their room is the biggest of the three kids' rooms, obviously, with two bodies they needed the space. The color palate and overall vibe of the room started with their shams that I purchased from Urban Outfitters several months ago. Actually, I think I got them before we closed on the new house. They were a super deal at about $7 or $8 on clearance. I loved the Swedish feel to them. In fact, I think that line of bedding was called 'Swedish Landscape'. The toss pillows on each of their beds are Dwell Studio for Target.

I love this little nook right inside the door. I bought that little bench when Jake was about 1. I love that I've had it that long, and keep finding uses for it. Rosie sits there with books, and uses it as a pit stop to talk on her 'cell' phone. The mirror is from a garage sale, and I sprayed it gray for another room, then, decided it works better in here. I need to spray it a different color, but can't decide on that color. The little squirrel print is one my favorite things in the whole house. Again, I bought it at Urban Outfitters on clearance when I bought the shams. His name is Cornelius Thoroughgood. Enough said.

The collage wall is full of lucky finds and happy accidents. I found the letter 'R' in the trash in a historical part of town when I was taking pictures for a friend. I am, seriously, dumb. There were about 6 other letters in the same finish, but since they weren't relevant to anyone I knew, I left them there. See? Dumb. The albums were purchased for a quarter at an estate sale. The colors were great, and they are just awesome. Album frames can be purchased at Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Urban Outfitters, etc. Instant, cheap art. The 'laugh' is kind of a funny story. I bought it at Hobby Lobby, but it was covered in mirror. Well, I dropped it. The mirror cracked and fell off. The crackly blue finish was what was left behind from the adhesive that held the mirror on. Love. The 'B' is from Hobby Lobby {$5}, and the collage print is from Target. They still had them last time I was there.

The curtain rod and valance were on clearance at Home Depot of all places. The valance was really a panel that I cut in half and steam-a-seam'd end to end to create a long valance. It was no-sew and super easy. The sconces above each of their beds are ancient. I bought them on eBay about a decade ago. The shades are the shades that were on our chandelier in our kitchen at the old house. Incidentally, that chandelier is now hanging in the girls' room with new red & white striped carnival-ish shades that I made.

Finally, we come to toy storage and a play area. This was tough because of space. Rosie uses her doll wardrobe all the time since it houses all of her American Girl clothes, shoes, brushes, etc. It took up precious floor space, so I had Jake hang it on the wall, but within her reach. It is securely mounted with heavy hardware right into the studs. I, also, got a cubby unit from Target, and had him mount that, too, but horizontally. Add a few baskets to house toys, and use the open space for books, and,'s out of the way storage. This left room for their heavily used play kitchen, doll bunks, and Harry. Necessity truly is the mother of invention.
The rugs are from Wal-Mart. I wish they weren't, but what can I say? They were cheap, and are machine washable. Sometimes, I cave.
There isn't much else to report, except to say that the girls love it. They spend a lot of time in there which makes me feel like I did something right.
And, just to reiterate the fact that we are real people, really LIVING in our home, I thought I'd share a snapshot of the living room during the girls' bedroom photo shoot...
Classy, huh?
HERE and
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