01 November 2011

Halloween ramblings.

So, I don't have a picture with the boys.  They were too busy playing in the fire pit.  We like to keep it safe in these parts.  I have a couple, but you can't even see their costumes.  I can tell you we had a sailor, a doctor, a Quidditch player, and a gladiator.  They all looked great, and more importantly, they got a ton of candy that I can steal while they are at school today.  That is a reward of parenting.  If you didn't know that, now you do.  You are welcome.

Also, I was alarmed and appalled to learn that St.Louis is one of the few places in this great country that require kids to tell a joke before they get their candy.  Always has.  Check this article out HERE.  Do your kids have to tell a joke to get their candy on Halloween?  Please tell me they do.  You hear the best jokes.  Good, clean, funny jokes.

Want to give a shout out of thanks to my sister and brother-in-law for hosting a great little party, and for sending home a TON of leftovers with us.  I wish the kids were off of school today so we could have stayed later, but alas they were not.  Which isn't entirely a bad thing because now I have more opportunity to pilfer their candy.  Too bad for them.  Too bad.

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